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We Are About 75 Miles NW of the Balt/DC Area
(see map below)

From Interstate 70 East or West

Take Interstate 81 North stay in right hand lane.
Take Maryland Exit 5B Halfway Blvd West
1/4 mile traffic light turn left Hopewell Road
8/10 mile Hopewell Sheet Metal on
right across railroad tracks.

From Balt/DC Area
Take Interstate 70 West
Follow directions above


From Pennsylvania
Take Interstate 81 South
Take Maryland Exit 5A Halfway Blvd West
1/4 mile traffic light turn left Hopewell Road
8/10 mile Hopewell Sheet Metal on
right across railroad tracks.

From West Virginia
Take Interstate 81 North
Take Maryland Exit 5B Halfway Blvd West
1/4 mile traffic light turn left Hopewell Road
8/10 mile Hopewell Sheet Metal on
right across railroad tracks.